The assignment explores Historical impact of art. In addition, there is a description of modern culture, society and the workplace. So, Explain how art contributes to problem solving skills and idea creation.

Historical impact of art-modern culture, society and the workplace

Firstly, determine the historical impact of art on modern culture, society, and the workplace. Secondly, identify the role of music, poetry, prose, and visual art in the modern world and workplace. Thirdly, utilize art elements in real-world contexts and the workplace. Also, apply strategies for evaluating different art forms in various contexts. Additionally, explain how art contributes to problem solving skills. Also, idea creation in personal and professional experience. Identify how art benefits wellness and creativity in the community and workplace. Scenario . You are an independent contractor who has hired by a multinational technology company. Additionally, to increase productivity at one branch office.

Historical impact of art-modern culture, society and the workplace

location in question is failing miserably and your contract with this company is a last ditch effort to bring this location’s productivity up, or else it will shut down. The designers haven’t submitted a good, usable design to headquarters in months. When you begin your work figuring out what’s going wrong, you immediately see many red flags. Records show that employees call in sick frequently, come in late. Also, leave early, and several complaints between employees have filed by Human Resources. When you visit the office, you are immediately struck by what a dismal environment you see. Florescent lights flicker over beige cubicles, ambient noise of machines buzzing and phones ringing fills your ears, and employees look bored and tired.

Historical impact of art-modern culture, society and the workplace

You notice only one communal work space piled over with old projects and clutter. The supply room is sparse. The break room is small and cluttered, and nobody is using it. You decide to interview employees and learn some alarming information. Employees mostly work alone, do not seem to know each other well, some outright dislike one another, they report having no fun or enjoyment while at work, and some suffer chronic work-related health problems such as migraines and back pain

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