The assignment discusses on Hegemonic Masculinity. Additionally, there is also a description of Ways of Being Male. So, demonstrate grasp of the key concepts to do with gender and sexuality arising from the texts under analysis.

Hegemonic Masculinity – Ways of Being Male

Assignment topic: “Boys who are coded as wimpy threaten dominant ways of being young and male”. True or false? Develop your response through a close analysis of two or three sections of Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Book 1).

The aims of this unit and its learning objectives embody the criteria by which your work will be assessed (see the section below). These aims and objectives are correlated with a range of the Deakin graduate attributes also listed in the section of this unit guide.

Hegemonic Masculinity – Ways of Being Male

In addition, your markers will specifically look for: Firstly, evidence of a strong grasp of and critical engagement with the theoretical concepts covered in the e-readings and Study Guide. Secondly, breadth and depth of engagement with the ideas and concepts under discussion. Thirdly, ability to analyse texts closely. Also, ability to independently and successfully complete assessment tasks, by following the guidelines closely 

Hegemonic Masculinity – Ways of Being Male

Firstly, capacity to use online resources to gather scholarly evidence to support a close reading. Secondly, demonstrated grasp of the key concepts to do with gender and sexuality arising from the texts under analysis. Thirdly, written expression, spelling, grammar, essay structure, citation and referencing etc. of a standard appropriate to literary studies at the third year university level,

Detailed Instructions


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