Survey 08HE310 ASSIGNMENT- Healthcare Management Directions. So,in Lesson 6 Case Study 1. Benefits of Electronic Health Records in a Rural Critical Access Hospital Imagine that you are the administrator of Sierra Vista Hospital

Survey 08HE310 ASSIGNMENT- Healthcare Management Directions

This written assignment has two parts and involves combining the case studies from lessons 5-8. Therefore,For each of the case studies, you are responsible for selecting the appropriate case at the end of the applicable chapter and response to the question. In addition,In each of the cases you will respond as if you are the hospital administrator. More so,For part I of this written assignment, please see case studies relating to lessons 5-8 below. Please combine your response to these case study questions into part I of your written assignment.

Survey 08HE310 ASSIGNMENT- Healthcare Management Directions

Part I Lesson 5 Case Study 2. Home Healthcare Fraud An investigation by the Medicare Fraud Strike Force resulted in the discovery and ultimate sentencing of a registered nurse who defrauded her home health agency and the federal government. Also,Read Box 8-5. a. If you were the administrator of this home health agency what could you have done to prevent this individual, or any staff member, from committing fraud of this nature? b. What policies or procedures could you implement? c. What actions could you enforce, within your organization that could have uncovered this illegal behavior sooner?

Survey 08HE310 ASSIGNMENT- Healthcare Management Directions

Lesson 6 Case Study 1. Benefits of Electronic Health Records in a Rural Critical Access Hospital Imagine that you are the administrator of Sierra Vista Hospital. Firstly, How will you help the hospital’s physicians and staff overcome their skepticism and get on board with the adoption of EHR? Secondly,What specific benefits can you share with them? Thirdly,  What specific objections might they express? Lastly,How will you overcome their objections and convince them to agree? Lesson 7 Case Study 3. Fast Food in Hospitals Identify the benefits and concerns about permitting a fast food franchise to set up an outlet in your facility. Also,How would you address the controversies connected with the “bad health” image of this sector of the food service industry? Nutritional information should be included in this discussion. 

Detailed Instructions


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