The paper talks about Healthcare Delivery based on Knowledge-improving patient outcomes.So, you have been asked to do a presentation to medical and nursing staff on a practice paradigm that has shown to improve patient outcomes.

Healthcare Delivery based on Knowledge-improving patient outcomes

Assignment: Ensuring Mandated Care is Delivered.  Develop a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for your recommendations. So, You asked to do a presentation to medical and nursing staff on a practice paradigm that has shown to improve patient outcomes. Then, Choose any paradigm you would like and do a presentation. That will encourage staff to embrace the behavior into practice. Examples might be music therapy, mandatory flu shots for all patients. Or routine collaborative practice meetings with all care staff for patients.

Healthcare Delivery based on Knowledge-improving patient outcomes

YOU choose the topic these are just suggestions. Be sure that you include the research you used to justify implementing the paradigm.Besides,  Remember you are attempting to change practice behaviors and you want them to be a permanent part of healthcare delivery at your organization.Due to focused global advocacy, many countries have made progress in increasing the proportion of pregnant women who give birth in a health facility. However, this increase in coverage often has not translated in the expected reduction of maternal and newborn mortality and stillbirths. This is due to inadequacies in the quality of care provided in health facilities.

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