Health Challenges-Case Study
Patient Profile
E.G. is a 41-year-old male who presents to the emergency department complaining of severe right back pain that started a couple of hours ago, right after he finished his daily run. He has a history of gastroesophageal reflux disease, for which he takes famotidine 20 mg PO once daily at bedtime.
Subjective Data
Has      been training for a marathon and has been running at least 10 miles a day,      but today was so hot that he only made it 6 miles. Shortly after his run,      the pain in his right back/side started.
States      his pain is a level 9 on a 1-to-10 scale
States      the pain is constant, nothing seems to make it better, and it does not get      worse with movement
Denies      any pain or numbness in his legs
While      training, he has been supplementing his diet with protein shakes
Denies      using performance-enhancing drugs
Objective Data
Physical Examination
Temperature      99.6° F, pulse 78, respirations 16, blood pressure 122/80
No      musculoskeletal pain or tenderness in spine
Right      flank tenderness to fist percussion
Case Study Progress
Based on the initial clinical manifestations and exam findings, the health care provider orders a urinalysis. At first, E.G. is unable to urinate, but after drinking several glasses of water, is able to obtain a clean-catch urine specimen.
Diagnostic Studies
Color:                        Dark
Odor:                   Aromatic
Protein:                               None
Glucose:                  None
Ketones:                  None
Bilirubin:                  None
Specific      gravity: 1.035
pH:                        6.2
RBCs:                    11/hpf
WBCs:                  3/hpf
Casts:                   None
Discussion Questions
Based      on the data above, what do you suspect is occurring with E.G.? What      assessment data led you to this conclusion?
What      additional test(s) may be ordered to confirm this diagnosis? Why would      this additional test(s) confirm this diagnosis?
E.G.      has an ultrasound, and the presence of a large right renal calculus is      confirmed. The health care provider orders E.G. IV Morphine sulfate for      pain and recommends that he have a right extracorporeal shock-wave      lithotripsy (ESWL). Explain this procedure.
What      factors put E.G. at risk for developing a renal calculus?
What      teaching should E.G. receive prior to his being discharged?
What      nutritional instructions should E.G. be given to prevent recurrence of      renal calculi?

The post Health Challenges-Case Study
Patient Profile
E.G. is a 41-year-old male who pres appeared first on Assignmentio.

The post Health Challenges-Case Study
Patient Profile
E.G. is a 41-year-old male who pres appeared first on study tools.