The assignment focuses on Health Care Insurance- TRICARE program assignment. You are required to Make a brief statement on the characteristics of the Uninsured. Make a brief statement on how this insurance policy linked or related to the Affordable Care Act.

Health Care Insurance- TRICARE program assignment

Description Attached criteria- ignore the 1. content/information, my assigned health care policy- over veteran’s Insurance- VA/Military-TRICARE program. Needed in summary of policy, also attached pdf with criteria. Firstly,Briefly describe the policy – i.e. issue summary and background. Secondly, who covered in this? Thirdly, who (organization?/individual?/employer?) pays for the services provided. FourthlyBriefly state a few limitations and strengths of the policy. FifthlyBriefly discuss stakeholders that would support and oppose this policy?. Sixthly, provide a web reference that you would recommend to other APNs. NB; APNs include APRNs and Advance Practice nurses with graduate degrees other than in a clinical specialty area-MSN ED/ADM.) or your patients to learn more about this policy.

Health Care Insurance- TRICARE program assignment

 Further, How this insurance policy made an impact on increasing or decreasing the number of uninsured in the US? Firstly,Make a brief statement on the characteristics of the Uninsured. Secondly, make a brief statement on how this insurance policy linked or related to the Affordable Care Act (just one or two points). You Can use attached sites, not required. In criteria for providing a web reference that you would recommend to other APNs, has to be other than listed sites.

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