The assignment describes Guidelines for a Written Critique. Also, there is an analysis of Policy Outcome. So, Summarize the contents of your article.

Guidelines for a Written Critique – Policy Outcome Analysis

At a minimum, this critique should address the following questions or issues. Firstly, critique should be written in your own words (third person only). Secondly, you do need to make references to specific words, phrases, and relevant passages in the text of your article. As well as corresponding references to the assigned readings for the course. Each of the following items in BOLD must be listed as a heading on your critique. Do not use bullet points. Discuss in your critique the questions/issues under each bolded item. If a question/issue does not apply, please explain why.

Guidelines for a Written Critique – Policy Outcome Analysis

Thirdly, summarize the contents of your article. Who wanted the policy or program evaluated? In other words, why did the author(s) conduct the evaluation? What were the goals or desired outcomes of the policy or program under examination? How did the author(s) propose to evaluate the policy or program in terms of its goals or outcomes?

Guidelines for a Written Critique – Policy Outcome Analysis

Theoretical Perspective (2-3 paragraphs)

What theory connects the policy or program to the goals or outcomes?Establish rival or plausible explanations or theories were ruled out? Additionally, how did the theory guide the author(s) in their conduct of the evaluation?

Research Methods (2-3 paragraphs)

What principal research method(s) did the author(s) use in the conduct of the evaluation? Did any unintended or unanticipated consequences arise? If so, what were they? Explain how and why did they arise?

Guidelines for a Written Critique – Policy Outcome Analysis

 Conclusion (1 page) What did the author(s) conclude? On what basis?Analyse the policy or program achieve its intended goals or outcomes in whole, in part, or not at all? If so, why or why not? Also, to what uses were the results of the evaluation to be put? Based on the results of the evaluation, what principal recommendations did the author(s) make?

Detailed Instructions


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