The paper talks about EFL grammar pedagogy-overt versus covert presentations.So show evidence of understanding and application of key concepts of grammar pedagogy: inductive, deductive approaches; overt versus covert grammar presentations
EFL grammar pedagogy-overt versus covert presentations
Choose any two EFL course books at the same CEFR level and compare them in terms of how they present and practice grammar.Also, describe and critique their approach.• More so,show evidence of understanding and application of key concepts of grammar pedagogy: inductive, deductive approaches; overt versus covert grammar presentations; test-teach-test structure.
General description/background of the two coursebooks: give a brief description of each book. Additionally, look at the publisher description: is there information in the introduction to the book and/or on the back cover or on their website? Does it have a particular approach? Is it a multi-level course? Talk about level, target audience. Besides,Look at the map of the book – how its structured?
EFL grammar pedagogy-overt versus covert presentations
How does the CEFR correspond to Aspire
In addition,the Aspire series has a communicative approach with an emphasis on learning language in real life contexts and on producing language in a broad range of speaking and writing situations. Consequently, its approach mirrors the functional descriptors of the CEFR as well as its broad emphasis on being able to communicate in a range of realistic situations.Aspire Preintermediate covers the majority of competences for B1. Aspire Intermediate covers the competences for B1 and some of the competencies for B2.
EFL grammar pedagogy-overt versus covert presentations
Aspire Upper Intermediate covers the competencies for B2.In this booklet, each exercise of the Aspire series is mapped against core descriptors at the relevant global level. So, Aspire Preintermediate is mapped against descriptors at the B1 Threshold level, the first five units of Aspire Intermediate are mapped against descriptors at the B1 Threshold level, the last five units are mapped against descriptors at the B2 Vantage level, and Aspire Upper Intermediate is mapped throughout against descriptors at the B2 Vantage level.
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