The paper focuses on Governance and financial reporting-U.S’ companies quality. So,The paper will aim to find a conclusive correlation between company governance and financial reporting quality in the U.S using organizational independence and board size as factors of consideration.

Governance and financial reporting-U.S’ companies quality

The paper will aim to find a conclusive correlation between company governance and financial reporting quality in the U.S using organizational independence and board size as factors of consideration.

Research Objectives

The paper  will focus on the following three major objectives

One,o identify the link between board independence and the quality of financial reporting among companies in the United States.

Secondly,To determine how the board size correlate with the quality of financial reporting of firms in the U.S.

Thirdly,to identify the correlation between the audit committee independence and quality of financial reporting in U.S’ companies.

Governance and financial reporting-U.S’ companies quality

Research Question

Firstly,does the board independence have a significant impact on the quality of financial reporting of organisations in the United States?

Also,does the size of the board affect the quality of the financial reporting of the corporation in the U.S?

Finally,does the audit committee independence affect the quality of financial reporting in the U.S. significantly?

Audit committee independence

According to Kibiya (2016), the United States of America passed the Sarbanes – Oxley Act (SOX) bill that sought to address the rampant company scandals that occurred during the early 21st century. The authors found that the United States of America congress saw the need to improve the efficiency of the nation’s audit committees to avoid them from reporting on false information to protect companies at the risk of the shareholders and their employees. Bhaskar and Flower (2019) concurred with Kibiya (2016) and showed that the case of the Enron scandal in the United States of America was a case example of why the audit committees needed to be efficient in their operations to avoid hiding illegal activities from the law enforcement. 

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