Write one or two paragraphs that addresses all five of the bullet points below:
Describe a goal of development that you feel is important.
Use a quote from the readings to support your thinking about developmental goals. The NAEYC equity statement (https://www.naeyc.org/resources/position-statements/equity-position) lists 4 potential goals of development. The Rogoff et al. (2017)article discusses how there are many diverse goals of development. Feel free to use a quote from Rogoff to support your thinking about your own ideas for goals of development.
Describe a developmental theory from chapter 1 that resonates with your own thoughts about raising children.
Use a quote from the course materials to help support your description of the theory ( you can use the Rogoff article as an example of socio-cultural theory or you may cite the class lecture).
Provide an example that illustrates a connection between the theory description and your own ideas about raising children.
Below, is an example of a post that meets the criteria listed above…
I noticed that a few people chose the NAEYC goal of “express comfort and joy with human diversity, use accurate language for human differences, and form deep, caring human connections across diverse backgrounds” (NAEYC 2019). I also chose this goal because I think that being in equitable, affirming relationships with people is foundational to our humanity. If we are going to get through COVID-19 and climate change, we are going to have to work together. I also saw that several people like behaviorism because it emphasizes rewarding kids for good behavior. However, I really appreciate the ecological systems theory because it takes into account more environmental factors that influence child development, beyond rewards. In addition, it organizes all of these factors into different levels such as the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and macrosystem. Berk and Meyers (2016, section 1.5) state that “According to Bronfenbrenner, the environment is not a static force that affects children in a uniform way. Instead, it is ever-changing.” In my own experience, I’ve seen how the force of environmental factors can change over time. For example, COVID-19 has changed the ways a lot of environmental factors influence kids. At the microsystem level, a lot of parents used to encourage kids to play together and now parents are teaching their kids to practice social distancing. Given our current environmental circumstances, it is challenging to build the affirming connections that I feel are a foundational goal of development, but we have to keep trying.
Berk, L. & Meyers, A. (2016). Chapter 1. Infants and children: Prenatal through middle childhood (8th Edition.). Boston: Pearson.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2019). Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Position Statement. NAEYC. Retrieved from https://www.naeyc.org/resources/position-statements/equity-position

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