The assignment discusses Globalization Effect On States. Besides, there is also a description of Equitable Resource redistribution. So, explore more information or examples from online reliable resources

Globalization Effect On States – Equitable Resource redistribution

Description. Firstly, is Globalization affecting the capacity of states to collect taxes and redistribute resources? And if so, how should the problem be addressed? Figure out what do mean by globalization and the ability to affect states collect the tax and redistribute resource. How does globalization affect the state? transnational cooperation? tax competition? etc. Please read the lecture. You could find more information there. And you need to find the political theory from this chapter to analysis. Moreover, if you could explore more information or examples from online reliable resources to support your ideas or analysis could be better.

Globalization Effect On States – Equitable Resource redistribution

In a globalized economy states compete for mobile tax bases. This tax competition undermines the fiscal self-determination of states and exacerbates inequalities of income and wealth both within countries and across borders. The paper provides a normative evaluation of the rules governing international tax competition. We put forward two principles of international taxation designed to both protect and circumscribe the fiscal self-determination of states. First, a membership principle which holds that deriving the benefits of membership in any given country grounds an obligation to pay one’s taxes there.

Globalization Effect On States – Equitable Resource redistribution

Second, an intentionality principle which states that any tax policy change is legitimate only if it would still be pursued in the counterfactual situation where the benefits of this move in terms of inflowing capital were absent. We then consider how the two principles can be implemented and propose to establish an International Tax Organization (ITO). This organization would have to be assigned institutional capacities very similar to those of the WTO in governing international trade.

Globalization Effect On States – Equitable Resource redistribution

Finally, we show that our principles, despite being anchored in the fiscal self-determination of states, are compatible with a cosmopolitan position on global justice. They are principles of background justice in the sense that they define the rules of the game required for an international tax regime free of unjust bias. Keywords: Tax Competition, Global Justice, Background Justice, Self-determination, Institutional Design, Multi-level Governance.

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