This assignment focuses on Global Issues in Russia such as life expectancy and health. For these papers, students will read several articles and then use them as the basis for a short paper exploring the issues/challenges their country faces in this area.

Global Issues in Russia-life expectancy and health

Using data from the CIA Factbook and Write a 1-2 page profile of what your life would be like if you lived in that nation. Some topics to address could include: life expectancy, health, education, employment, family, wealth/class, identity, rights/freedom, etc. (33.3%) Four short papers on any four of the following issues. Such as human rights, economic development/challenges, health issues, military/security threats, environmental problems, or societal conflicts. For these papers, students will read several articles and then use them as the basis for a short paper exploring the issues/challenges their country faces in this area.

Global Issues in Russia-life expectancy and health

Each paper should have a list of works cited. Do not use Wikipedia! (33.3%) Please note: These must address four separate Global Issues, in other words they cannot all be about the environment, etc. A position paper on the Global Issue that your country feels is the most important Global Issue, and thus the one that the global community should focus upon. This paper should include why your country feels this issue is the most significant, and any proposals for ways to address that iss.Over the past several years, the international community has witnessed the return of Russia as an important global actor. Is this a fundamentally new phenomenon, or is it the result of the Kremlin’s opportunism under President Vladimir Putin and the transformation of his foreign policy?

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