The assignment talks about Global Human Resource Management. Also, there is a description of Innovative Reward System. So, evaluate ways in which it was innovative and unique.

Global Human Resource Management – Innovative Reward System

Description. Firstly, please assume the position of a Human Resources Director As explained in the case study, Foodco was able to link a new product launch design with a reward system. Since almost the beginning of industrial times, bonuses, commissions, and other rewards have been used to reward people for launching a new and successful product. However, Foodco provided an innovative and unique process. Secondly, write a paper that describes how Foodco was able to link the launch with its reward system and evaluate ways in which it was innovative and unique. Also, provide supported recommendations for how the processes that Foodco employed could be implemented in your industry or the industry you desire to work within.

Global Human Resource Management – Innovative Reward System

This paper should have a relevant introduction and conclusion which takes a stance. Do not simply restate the introduction in the conclusion. Please be very concise when addressing points, no redundant work or language. Please use master’s level language. Cite a minimum of 6 scholarly sources from 2015 or newer to support your positions, claims, and observations (Please use at least one of the provided sources). Each paragraph should be 4-6 sentences long and supported by 1-2 in-text citations in each paragraph.  Christiansen, L. C.  (20170804). The Global Human Resource Management Casebook,  2nd Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version].  Retrieved from vbk://9781317362449

Global Human Resource Management – Innovative Reward System

Organisational Setting

Foodco is one of the largest food corporations in Israel. It was founded in the early 1940s and now has nine manufacturing facilities in Israel, producing over 1000 products. Foodco exports its products to other countries as well, primarily in Europe. The corporation’s products constantly face competition from both locally produced and imported products. Foodco became a public company in 1992 (with 25 percent of its shares traded in the Tel Aviv Stock Market). Starting in 1995, Netfood, a large, multinational corporation, has gradually increased its holdings in Foodco, and now has a holding rate of 64 percent.

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