The paper focuses on the Issue of gender roles-media reinforce mainstream.In this essay, choose one television show or movie and examine how gender is used in this text. How does this piece of media reinforce mainstream gender roles?

Issue of gender roles-media reinforce mainstream

Throughout the course, one important topic that keeps coming up is the issue of gender and gender roles. Based on the society you live in, you socialized to behave in certain ways based on whether you’re male or female. And as we’ve mentioned, media plays an enormous role in how we define what is socially acceptable for both genders. In this essay, choose one television show or movie and examine how gender gets used in this text. How does this piece of media reinforce mainstream gender roles?

Issue of gender roles-media reinforce mainstream

Gender roles in society means how you expected to act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves based upon our assigned sex. For example, girls and women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, accommodating, and nurturing. Men generally expected to be strong, aggressive, and bold.Every society, ethnic group, and culture has gender role expectations, but they can be very different from group to group. They can also change in the same society over time. For example, pink used to get considered a masculine color in the U.S. while blue got considered feminine. Also, How does it subvert them? If someone from a different culture watched this show or movie, what would they understand about gender and sex in the United States? So,Do you feel this show/movie is  an accurate representation of gender? What I’d like you to do  really examine gender through this piece of media. Be a critical observer of the show/movie and analyze how gender functions. In addition,You can definitely use examples — that would make the essay stronger. However,be sure that the examples are there to back up the argument you making. Please write an essay of approximately 500-750 words (2-3 pages) answering these questions.

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