-​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​ Sjoberg and Tickner, Feminism and International Relations: Chapter 7 – Peter Singer, “Robots at War: The New Battlefield,” The Wilson Quarterly, 33.1.(2009) The following guidelines pertain to blog entries: 

• each blog entry must be a minimum of 700 words (there is no maximum) 

• each blog entry must address substantively at least 2 readings from the selected section (identify the reading(s) in your posts and provide page numbers if using quotes) 

• blogs are primarily for students to demonstrate thoughtful engagement with weekly readings and critically reflect on the relevance of the author’s argument in relation to one’s own life, world politics, and the other readings covered in the course 

• blogs are NOT meant to simply convey that students have completed the readings but rather that they have engaged with the author’s arguments 

• as a blog, you are able to write in a less formal manner than a traditional research essay – personal pronouns are acceptable, as are opinions, so long as you ground your statements in evidence from the readings or other academic sources 

• entries should NOT allocate significant space to summarizing the readings

 – you can safely assume that your reader is already familiar with the readings discussed

 • entries should use the majority of the space to share your own ideas and thoughts on the readings – not discussions and lectures presented in class 

• blogs can express strongly held views about the variety​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​ of topics covered in our course but must avoid repeating arguments and counter-arguments discussed in previous blog entries. In other words, well- written blogs will demonstrate a willingness to explore new arguments, an openness to unfamiliar ideas, and an ability to assess readings from a common ground, even in disagreement.

 • your grade will be based only on what you write, the aesthetics of your blog site will not be graded 

• these blogs are only for the professor to review so creating a pseudonym is recommended Ideas to consider incorporating into blog entries: 

• Do you take issue with any part of the author’s argument? Why? 


• Do you agree with the conclusion the author reaches? Why or why not? 

• Does this particular reading connect (or disconnect) in an interesting way with/ from a previous week’s reading? 

• Does this particular reading connect (or disconnect) in an interesting way with/ from contemporary world politics? 

• Do you have an experience that somehow engages with the readings in an interesting way? 

• Does the reading challenge arguments and understandings you have come across in other courses at UF? How? 

• Are you convinced of the author’s argument? Do you find their argument troubling? 

• What ontological, epistemological, and methodological approaches does the author utilize? 

• What assumptions is the author making and how do they impact the overall argument?

 • Is there an issue with theory and practice? �​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​� Could the author’s argument have been improved? How? Why?