The assignment focuses on Food Packaging Material Science. It also talks about the quality and security of the food. 

Food Packaging Material Science- quality and security of the food

Food Packaging Material Science. Firstly, the objective is to research Food Packaging in terms of the printing industry and be able to evaluate colour and quality characteristics relating to printability and suitability. Analysis of colour and quality is of utmost concern to the producers and consumers of food products’ packaging. The goal of this project is to understand the materials and substrates used to reproduce images using the most appropriate technologies. The following questions expected to be research and analysis in this report. Firstly, how can the (printing related) quality and security of the food packaging evaluated and tested. Secondly, what aspect of the printed product creates an added value and/or competitive advantage 3. What are the unique aspects and/or application.

Food Packaging Material Science- quality and security of the food

Food packaging lies at the very heart of the modern food industry and very few foods sold unpackaged. Good packaging prevents waste and ensures that the food retains its desired quality throughout its shelf life. Despite its importance and the key role that packaging plays, it is often regarded as, at best, somewhat superfluous, and, at worst, a serious waste of resources and an environmental menace. Such views arise because, by the time most consumers come into contact with a package, its job, in many cases, is almost over. However, if the world is ever going to be able to feed 9 billion people, then the quality and quantity of food packaging is going to have to increase considerably.

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