FINANCIAL STATEMENT RATIO ANALYSIS-Home Depot Company.So,the Cases are effectively practicums that allow the student to integrate the concepts.


Cases #1 & #2 got designed to allow the student to present in a written format an analysis. And, summary/conclusion(s) to specific real-life situations that relate to a series of topics. The Cases are effectively practicums that allow the student to integrate the concepts. As well as, theories presented in class with the real-life experiences applied to specific situations. In effect, to apply financial management to the real world. As in the real world, the presentation of knowledge in a clear, concise manner is a demonstration of true intellect. And also understanding; the Cases afford the student the opportunity to practice these persuasive skills. There will be two cases assigned, with each case topic selected by the Instructor and discussed at length in class.


The Cases are worth 20% of the student’s overall grade. Also, are due at the beginning of each class, as indicated in Exhibit A.
COMPANIES TO CHOOSE FROM. You may choose one of the following companies to analyze in fulfillment of Case #1 and Case #2. • Home Depot (HD)
 Lowe’s (LOW)
 Caterpillar (CAT)
Target (TGT)
Ford (F)
Deere Enterprises (DE)
Delta Airlines (DAL) • Southwest Airlines (LUV)
General Motors (GM)
Costco (COST)
CASE #1 – FINANCIAL STATEMENT RATIO ANALYSIS. Case #1 is a Financial Statement analysis of the company selected from the list above. Structurally, the students will present the case as follows:
• Present a high-level financial statement analysis that identifies one key financial statement account that bears further investigation/additional weight in the ratio analysis.
This is the account that you believe its behavior and impact on the ratios is fundamental to understanding the company as a whole. Thus,At this stage no analytical presentation required. Simply, identification of material/significant account and why you believe it to be so

Detailed Instructions


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