The assignment deals with the Confucian Family for a Feminist Future Summary.So,the reading file is about ‘Confucian Family for a Feminist Future’. The summary needs to be concrete and detailed.

Confucian Family for a Feminist Future Summary

The reading file is about ‘Confucian Family for a Feminist Future’. The summary needs to be concrete and detailed.  Firstly,Need an introduction and conclusion (more like the review and main idea for the reading) Secondly, Follow and use the subheading (in the reading file) to summarize the reading. I.   Practice II. Western Alternative Conceptions of Family III. Thirdly, Assessing Western Alternatives from an East Asian perspective IV. Fourthly, A Feminist Friendly Conception of the Confucian Family

Confucian Family for a Feminist Future Summary

Neo-Confucians worried that without a clear principle defining the line of descent a descent group might disintegrate “at the death of the lineal heir” (130).The obsession with clarifying the descent line that “would provide the criteria on the basis of which descent group membership and thus social status could be verified,” however, clashed with the legally sanctioned custom of “polygyny,”7 which allowed men, especially of the upper class, to have multiple wives.

Feminist Future Summary

8 This generated a sticky problem: How to prioritize the line of descent among multiple sons from multiple wives? So,Their solution was to “single out one wife and her children as a man’s rightful spouse and legitimate heirs” (232). With this aim, it was legally decided in 1413 that a man must have only one legal wife, who is the primary wife (cheo ) and all other wives were relegated to the status of secondary or minor wives (cheop ). In this, Chosôn Confucians followed the “rule of primogeniture operative in China’s feudal past,” according to which “only the eldest son by the primary wife could succeed his father” (132).

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