This paper entails a discussion of Theories for leading and managing teams. There is also an analysis of  Factors that affect group performance. So, your report should be produced in a clear and professional manner, inclusive of academic literature, theories and models which support your report.

Theories for leading and managing teams – Factors that affect group performance

Report: Word Count 2800


You are the branch manager within a business. Besides, you currently have 12 staff members who you are responsible for.
Also,all business targets were achieved in the first quarter of the year and you are on track for a promotion to Area Manager.

However, your branch has been impacted by COVID 19 and has had to create flexible working patterns for the next 6 months, including a mixture of working from home and longer shifts in branch with minimal staff due to COVID 19 guideline restrictions.

Factors that affect group performance

Additionally, you are required to analyze factors which may be present within the group, which may impact upon their current performance levels. You should also evaluate which models, theories and approaches you will use to lead and manage your team through this period, to maintain their current level of performance. While, allowing you the opportunity for promotion to Area Manager.

Your report should be produced in a clear and professional manner, inclusive of academic literature, theories and models which support your report. A contents page and a reference page should both be present. 


Learning Outcomes Assessed


Evaluate Models, theories, and approaches for leading and managing teams.


Analyze factors that affect group performance.


Detailed Instructions


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