1. Explore enhanced communication skills to empower and enable service users by promoting independence and collaborative person centred approaches to their care.

How to tackle it : Define person centred care and write on the importance of a therapeutic relationship. Write about what other author’s say on the pros , cons and barriers to developing a therapeutic relationship .write on the importance of communication both verbal and non verbal .

Note what the NMC says about importance ofcommunication.  Note what the NMC says about the barriers of communication .Dont forget the citations as you go along ..

Write about any model of communication you find relevant to the topics scenario.  Example SOLER

Write about how you might involve the patient in decisions in their own care focusing on the barriers and why it is important to improve patient experience.  Please link the write up to the topics scenario through out. Examples of barriers are physical cultural psychological environmental.  Use any that suits the topic in the write up

I hope all these assist u write outcome 1


2. Evaluate the impact of socio-economic influences and personal choice as applied to the  field nursing

How to tackle it : Define public health. Talk about the nurses public health role e.g looking at patients holistically while taking wider determants of health into consideration.

Define what wider determinants of health is . U can look at Dahlgren and whitehead. Has the patient made any personal choice about his health that may have a negative impact e.g obesity etc and what does journal etc say about this ..

Consider how the wider social determinants of health can affect a persons health e.g housing issues, area of deprivation etc . Please keep linking to scenario in the topic


3. Analyse effective evidence based care planning and working in partnership to manage a range of field specific conditions.

How to tackle it : Write on what evidence based planning is .

Define the need for the use of care plans in nursing.  Which care plan did you use in this instance and why did u choose it. Basically apply it to the scenario in the topic.

Define multi disciplinary team work.  Why is working in partnership important.  Who might you need to liase with while caring for the patient

Think about assessment planning implementation and evaluation.  Please keep linking the whole write up to the patient’s condition

Lastly write the conclusion.  This should be about 180 words. Then about 880 words for each outcome.  The essay should be 2850 words  ref not included in  the word count. Please not less than 30 references in APA 7th edition alphabetical order and all definitions and paragraphs must have thier citation. Obviously all in 3rd person write up.