Explain what is Communication, Change Management, and Employee  

Engagement   2022 Latest Answers  

The responsibilities of high-ranking managers include problem solving , confl ict  

resolution, and teamwork building: all areas where communication skills between  

them and their subordinates cannot be underestimated. Within the realm of organizational development, the leaders’ level of emotional intelligence may be a defi ning  

success factor. Indeed, the ability to use one’s emotions in relationships with others  

in a constructive way has been frequently mentioned as an essential requirement for  

effective decision-making and leading organizational change (Yadav, 2014 ).  

Intuition, as a form of emotional intelligence in leadership, is considered an important tool for effective decision making, especially in ambiguous but critical circumstances (Bacon, 2013 ). Emotional intelligence is quoted as having played an  

important part in helping the New York University (NYU) Medical Center undergo  

a major transition within just one year (Foltin & Keller, 2012 ).  

As innovation energizes organizational change, connections between employee  

creative output and leaders’ emotional intelligence are highlighted (Castro, Gomes,  

& de Sousa, 2012 ). Chervil ( 2014 ) emphasizes the importance of social, and especially emotional intelligence skills in the context of leadership core competencies,  

as a prerequisite for compassionate and caring way to resolve confl icts. Leaders’  

emotional intelligence has been cited as a predictor of employee engagement and  

the organization’s successful performance (Adams, 2013 ; Robertson-Schule, 2014 ).  

Moreover, managers’ ability to understand and use emotions in reasoning was found  

to be strongly correlated with workgroup engagement levels. Specifi cally where  

respect and trust were concerned, leaders’ emotional intelligence and the quality of  

their relationships with their employees were shown to be signifi cantly correlated  

(Johnson, 2013 ).