Evaluation of a specialized oncology nursing supportive care intervention in newly diagnosed breast and colorectal cancer patients following surgery: a cluster randomized trial. Critically Analyze using the outline below

Research Study Overview

This section is where you provide a summary of the research study being critiqued? What were the goals of the research? What health care related issue was addressed? Is it a good/feasible study to apply in clinical practice? Was a practical study, from a financial aspect? Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately.

Ethical Issues in Research

Use this paragraph to provide feedback/history on ethical issues on research.   Protection of Human Rights       What are the five human rights that must be protected during research/investigation? What do they stand for? How do they relate to this research study? Were any/all of the human rights protected in the duration of the research study in question? Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately.

Sampling Method

What was the sampling method used, how did the researchers choose the subjects for participation? What other sampling methods could have worked better, provided better results? Does the sampling method used reflect ethical principles, was it a fair process? Is the population in question a vulnerable population, and if so, were there special considerations taken? Use as many paragraphs as needed to cover the content appropriately.

Quick Response

The study was meant to evaluate the specialized oncology nursing supportive care intervention in newly diagnosed breast and colorectal cancer patients after performing surgery. The human rights that must be protected during the research include respect for confidentiality and anonymity(Sieber, 2012). This is to ensure that patient records and personal data is safeguarded from exploitation by the third parties. Other ethical issues that were considered included right for privacy, consideration of vulnerable groups, caution against any harm, and presentation of informed consent to the respondents.  The cluster-randomized trial was efficient in the study since it involved patients from a holistic approach, which encourages inclusivity. The sampling method reflects ethical principles and hence qualifies to be recognized as a fair process…

Quick Response

The study was meant to evaluate the specialized oncology nursing supportive care intervention in newly diagnosed breast and colorectal cancer patients after performing surgery. The human rights that must be protected during the research include respect for confidentiality and anonymity(Sieber, 2012). This is to ensure that patient records and personal data is safeguarded from exploitation by the third parties. Other ethical issues that were considered included right for privacy, consideration of vulnerable groups, caution against any harm, and presentation of informed consent to the respondents.  The cluster-randomized trial was efficient in the study since it involved patients from a holistic approach, which encourages inclusivity. The sampling method reflects ethical principles and hence qualifies to be recognized as a fair process…

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