Study Intervention (needs lit review for this section)

Study Procedure (can add to this or take away if you do so -need to know what was omitted and added to make it better, has to tie in with the rest). The proposed research investigates the perceptions of Louisiana women regarding the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Two surveys will help facilitate the qualitative analysis. In this regard, there is a need to focus on the research procedure employed.

Thus, it can be noticed that the study technique relates to the condition intended to inform the audience reading the article about how the data were obtained most effectively, where the chronological order of events is evident. In this context, two research publications focusing on abortions and other relevant topics are examined to explain why this study technique was implemented and its relevance to the current study.
In the first research conducted by Raifman et al. (2022), the emphasis is placed on the coverage of how data were obtained, how the sample was recruited, and who collected the data. The detailed strategy outlines how events transpired. The study examined the parameters associated with public opinions regarding the legality of self-managed abortion (SMA) and legal access to abortion. The importance of conducting the national survey as the optimal method for gathering a representative sample of English- and Spanish-speaking women aged 18 to 49 across the United States was emphasized.
The framework for data collecting was based on Opposes Public Affairs’ KnowldegePanel. Researchers selected this method because they anticipated obtaining both unadjusted and adjusted multinomial logistic regression estimates, the purpose of which was to determine, among other factors, characteristics linked with the belief that SMA should not be illegal. The collection of data occurred in August 2017.
Female-identified members of the GfK-administered KnowldgePanel, a nationally representative and probability-based online household panel, provided the data for this study. After conducting a pilot survey with 25 participants, the GfK asked qualified panel members to complete the 53-item survey. The sample for statistical analysis consisted of 7,022 individuals who had completed the online survey.

This number represented fifty percent of the 14,151 women who had been contacted for the panel.
Earlier research by Swartz et al. (2020) similarly employed the survey method to acquire data. It is a research that examined women’s understanding of abortion restrictions in their state. The study was designed and presented as a cross-sectional study including 18-49-year-old Spanish- and English-speaking women from across the United States. Members were recruited using the GfK KnowldegePanel. Participants were prompted to take the survey by receiving emails in their selected languages.
Between January and February 2019, the researchers initiated two pilot trials. Participants were informed that participation in the survey was optional. The research was based on a 41-item questionnaire. Emphasis has been placed on electronically transmitting the survey to 2,223 women. 1,057 respondents (48%) finished the survey, while 14 were disqualified for skipping more than fifty percent of the questions. After weighing, the analytic sample contained 1,041 women.
This study’s research questions focused on state abortion legislation, abortion misconceptions, pregnancy and abortion experience, and personal perspectives and experiences with abortion.

Consequently, the two investigations by Swartz et al. (2020) and Raifman et al. (2022) have focused on using surveys as the essential research method for gathering data when the order of events is evident. In addition, they described how the samples were acquired and who collected the data. This proposed study would employ a comparable methodology to guarantee that it accomplishes its purpose of investigating and evaluating the perspectives of Louisiana women about the reversal of Roe v. Wade.
Statistical Plan Section: (needs lit review for this section)- Using the sentiment analysis technique and the software Qualtrics to analyze the qualitative data and create the survey.
Rationale and Purpose (this needs to be completed -make sure the rationale is sound and includes this in the lit review in the rationale section of this lit review.