The BUSA 2810 ethics assignment focuses on the use of illegal immigrants.You should make a note that you were following your understanding of the company policy to periodically purge the email system.

BUSA 2810 ethics assignment-use of illegal immigrants

BUSA 2810 ETHICS PROJECT.  You are a manager for Import/Export Suppliers, LLC . Your direct supervisor has asked for a face-to-face meeting with you following the most recent board of directors meeting. This is not unusual as your supervisor usually meets with you following these meetings to discuss changes. Also,  evaluate your division’s production, and to examine your area firsthand. This meeting seemed to begin a little different as your supervisor requested that you not take notes but just listen. The first agenda item was a recent legal case arising from a situation that occurred within your division in which an employee was injured. Your supervisor asks if you have reviewed all emails associated with the accident for corporate exposure.  As you were instructed to do after the last meeting. Of course, you respond that you have and that nothing in your judgement would expose the corporation to any liability.

BUSA 2810 ethics assignment-use of illegal immigrants

Regardless of your assessment, your supervisor tells you that corporate counsel has instructed that you delete all emails from your server relating to the event. You should also delete some others around the same timeframe. You should make a note that you were following your understanding of the company policy to periodically purge the email system. In the back of your mind, you know that it is illegal to delete emails that could be part of a lawsuit..  But counsel has given you a “policy” to make it look legal. The second topic involves your use of illegal immigrants. Your supervisor hands you a memorandum dictating that company policy was not to employ anyone who was in the country illegally. After handing you the document, your supervisor also handed you a check for $5,000.00. 

Detailed Instructions


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