The paper focuses on| Ethical leadership model-Lasthuizen, 2018.So,Drawing on the four dimensions of the ethical leadership model (purpose, moral person, moral manager, and meaningful relationships) introduced in Reading 1.2 (Lasthuizen, 2018, pp. 22-38), discuss the ethical leadership practices.

Ethical leadership model-Lasthuizen, 2018

Drawing on the four dimensions of the ethical leadership model (purpose, moral person, moral manager, and meaningful relationships) introduced in Reading 1.2 (Lasthuizen, 2018, pp. 22-38), discuss the ethical leadership practices and  approach adopted by either one of the following two business leaders:Ms Samantha Jones, Founder, Little Yellow Bird •  Also,Little Yellow Bird: From the military to making ethically-produced clothes. (2019, May 18). The Spinoff. Also,Retrieved from 2019/little-yellow-bird-from-the-military-to-making-ethically-produced-clothes/ • Little Yellow Bird is NZ’s first local, ethical fashion brand. (2019, May 29). Scoop. Retrieved from nzs-first-local-ethical-fashion-brand.htm • Winter, C. (2017, May 1). Clothing can be ethical or it can be cheap, but not both: Little Yellow Bird. Stuff. Also, use Retrieved from track-garments-right-back-to-cotton-fields Mr Mike Bennetts, CEO, Z Energy • Bennetts, M. (2019, February 7).

Ethical leadership model-Lasthuizen, 2018

In addition, add How to start a climate change movement – tips from a fossil fuel CEO. Stuff. Also,Retrieved from analysis/110402311/how-to-start-a-climate-change-movement • Bennetts, M. (2018, November 22). The petrol company that says it wants to change the world. The Spinoff. Retrieved from awards/22-11-2018/the-petrol-company-that-says-it-wants-to-save-the-world/ • Grieve, D. (2017, August 17). Such as,An interview with the climate change-obsessed CEO of NZ’s biggest petrol company. The Spinoff. Additionally, Retrieved from the-climate-change-obsessed-ceo-of-nzs-biggest-petrol-company.Also,You will need to support and illustrate your analysis using evidence and/or rationales from one or more of the news articles provided and/or other relevant publicly-available information on the business leader and organisation you select. In addition, you are expected to support your analysis with evidence from academic sources (at least three refereed journal articles – see the course reading list).

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