This assignment explores Environment Literature of Gender and Race in Africa and the Caribbean. So, write a short introduction, first, situating the texts under analysis in this paper,  second, highlighting the feminist and eco-feminist content of the texts

Environment Literature of Gender and Race-Africa and the Caribbean

The purpose of this prompt is to write a critical and analytical paper based on the texts.  So, after a careful and critical reading of the texts “Re-visioning a Poetics of Landscape. Resistance and Continuum in the Poetry of Kamau Brathwaite and Derek Walcott” by the critic James McCorkle.  “The Double Bind: Women and the Environment in Chambacú and A Saint is Born in Chima” (Manuel Zapata Olivella) by the critic Uchenna P. Vasser. Also, The two texts in Eco-Imagination African and Diasporan Literatures and Sustainability edited by Irene A. d’Almeida et al. And reading “Androcentrism and Athropocentrism, Parallels and Politics” by Val Plumwood in Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature edited by Karen J. Warren, write text-based essay following the writing steps recommended below:

Environment Literature of Gender and Race-Africa and the Caribbean

1. Write a short introduction, first, situating the texts under analysis in this paper. Secondly, highlighting the feminist and eco-feminist content of the texts, and third, positing a THESIS that is your intellectual focus to develop in the body of your critical writing.

2. Next In a few words, give a synoptic account of the texts, bending your summary towards the THESIS content and scope.  (Here, you are required to summarize Val Plumwood’s “Androcentrism and Anthropocentrism, Parallels and Ploitics”)

 3. Develop your THESIS within the scholar, academic, and critical/topical frame of the course objectives. So,  any idea and thought you raise need be relevant to the critical content of the texts you have read. So,  you have to support your critical ideas and thought with quotes from the same texts or other texts assigned for reading in the class.  

Detailed Instructions


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