This assignment focuses on the Emergency workers at the World Trade Center. There is as well a description of illnesses during the cleanup operations.
Emergency workers at the World Trade Center-illnesses during the cleanup operations
This is the recommended reading material (I do not have a PDF copy to attach):
Nicholson, W.C. (2012). Emergency Response and Emergency Management Law: Cases and Materials. (2nd ed.). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. ISBN-13: 978-0398088316
The disaster thrust coal ash disposal into the public consciousness. Immediately afterward, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency pledged to regulate this industrial waste, sparking a battle in Washington that is still playing out. So, in 2014, the agency set national standards that amount to guidelines for the states — guidelines that call for treating the ash as if it were household trash. Weakened by loopholes, the EPA rule is the product of vigorous lobbying by the utility industry.
Emergency Response and Emergency Management Law: Cases and Materials: Chapters 8 and 9
Emergency workers at the World Trade Center-illnesses during the cleanup operations
Additional Resources
- Warren v District of Columbia, 444 A 2d 1 – DC Court of Appeals 1981
- WarrenVDC
- Schwartz, N. (2013) New report shows number of career firefighters vs. volunteer firefighters. NFPA Today [online].
Essay Prompts:vThe emergency workers at the World Trade Center after September 11, 2001 filed suit for the illnesses they contracted during the cleanup operationx s.Create an argument in favor of this suit or against this suit using the following information:
- Firstly, The availability of respirator equipment
- Secondly, Use or failure to use that equipment,c
- Thirdly, Responsibility of contracting agencies to enforce PPE use
- Finally, Duty requirements to work in the affected area
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