This assignment focuses on Effect of the language barrier as well as knowledge disparity on learning in classroom. So, what are similar programs doing to deal with these issues,

Effect of the language barrier-knowledge disparity on learning in classrooms

A study on the effect of the language barrier and knowledge disparity on learning in classrooms. I need a discussion to be written for my work term report. I will provide the writer with what I have thus far. There are 4 sections to the discussion, 2.1 How these issues affect students, 2.2.  How these issues affect teachers, 2.3 What are similar programs doing to deal with these issues, 2.4 Solutions. Those are the 4 sections I need to be done. the 3 pages can be evenly distributed among those 4 sections. The writer needs to read what I have written so far to get a good understanding of the topic.

Effect of the language barrier-knowledge disparity on learning in classrooms

This is guidelines that the school provided for this section: In Science reports, the body of the report is where technical processes and procedures are detailed. It is where, for instance, you’d describe a specific form of experimentation. This is where you write up the technical work you have done in a way that allows others to reproduce and recreate it exactly. You wouldn’t necessarily call this section of the report the body – instead you would use headings to take the reader through key steps or considerations. The headers could be numbered and might include sub-headings to break up the body into parts. (End) I need 5 additional credible sources for this report and that is where I need some of the information to be based off of.

Detailed Instructions


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