The assignment focuses on effect of sanctions on the economy and political system in Russia since 2014. So, explain how the sanctions are effected.
Effect of sanctions on the economy and political system in Russia since 2014
What has been the effect of sanctions on the economy and political system in Russia since 2014? Description 1. Introduction Aim, scope, hypothesis, brief literature (why is it important to test it, what is my contribution (new thing that I bring?) – 1,000 words 2. Literature review 2.1 Brief history of sanctions in Russia 2.2 How the sanctions effected 2.3 What empirical literature suggested. Describe what has happened in the past and what people believe about this (scientific authors only) – 3,000-3,500 words 3. Data and Methods “Empirical” – Identify the dates that the sanctions imposed? – Which countries involved? – What were the sanctions about? (trade deals) – For how long?
Effect of sanctions on the economy and political system in Russia since 2014
When it started and finished (start from year 2000) – If the sanctions are mainly trade deals or only trade deals? – GDP for Russia and other countries involved – Growth “openness” (imports + exports/GDP) 4. Empirical analysis and results “dummy variables” “regression analysis” Section 3 and 4 should consist of 3,500 – 4,500 words 5. Conclusion – 1,000 words.The legal interest to the application of sanctions became popular in the early 2000s, when the UN Commission on International Law prepared and presented to the UN General Assembly a Draft Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Act. However, analyzing this document, we can see that it deals more with countermeasures than with sanctions. This is understandable, considering these concepts have many differences.
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