This assignment explores Early Childhood education and care. On the other hand, it touches on pedagogy for teaching communication. So, all contributions should be referenced to relevant readings and research and be professionally written

Early Childhood education and care-pedagogy for teaching communication

 This is Early Childhood education and care subject. – Contributions should have a short introduction, a body, and a short conclusion.  All contributions should be referenced to relevant readings and research and be professionally written. Critique play-based pedagogy for teaching communication, language and literacy to young children. Early education ensures free, integral and harmonious development of the child’s personality, according to his rhythm and needs. The education provided has to ensure the differentiated stimulation of children.  Aiming the intellectual, emotional, social and physical development of each child and targeting to achieve the following results of early education.

Early Childhood education and care-pedagogy for teaching communication

Early pre-school education targets the overall development of the child, which will assure him a good start in life. The areas of child’s development targeted in the specific curriculum for early pre-school age. As physical development, health, personal care, socio-emotional development, cognitive development, language development and communication.  Developing skills and attitudes in learning are essential to achieve a customized education.  By identifying the child potential and the difficulties/disabilities of each child by the teacher.Detailed Instructions. All activities with young children should respect child’s right to play, Also,  viewed as a form of activity, method, procedure and means of achieving educational approaches at early ages. As well as a method of stimulating the capacity and creativity of the child, as a right of him and as an opening to freedom to choose, according to his/her own needs.


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