The paper focuses on Dual and multiple role relationship-profession of psychology.So, you will explore the difference between a dual relationship and a multiple role relationship in the profession of psychology.

Dual and multiple role relationship-profession of psychology

In this short paper, you will explore the difference between a dual relationship and a multiple role relationship in the profession of psychology. You will develop an example of each of these relationships. Evaluate the impact of these relationships upon both the professional and the individual affected. Assess these examples for violations of the APA Code of Ethics. Then,conclude by comparing and contrasting dual role relationships and multiple role relationships. Types of implications to consider for the professional and individual affected include: · Professional · Personal and Legal. Ethical Persons affected by the psychology professional’s actions or inaction include: · Client and Consultee
Also, Student · Advisee · Research Participant. 

Dual and multiple role relationship-profession of psychology.

In the first section of your paper, describe an example of a dual relationship. That, you are already familiar with or can imagine. Evaluate your example for any ramifications for the professional. As well as the person affected by the professional’s actions or inaction. In the second section of your paper, describe an example of a multiple role relationship. That you are already familiar with or can imagine.
Evaluate your example for any ramifications for the professional.While,including the person affected by the professional’s actions or inaction. In the third section of your paper, apply the lens of the APA Code of Ethics Principles. As well as the Standards to your examples. Assess each example for any ethical violations under the APA Code of Ethics. Conclude your short paper by comparing and contrasting dual relationships and multiple role relationships. Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must get submitted as a 2–3 page Microsoft Word document. Besides, should involve double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font. Also, one- inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.


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