he key to good writing is effective revision. After you finish your paper, you still need to review and revise your work. It is best to do so after a period of time away from the paper, so planning ahead and completing the drafts prior to the deadline is necessary. When youve completed your drafts, make sure you can answer the following questions about your essay:
Does my paper have a clear and effective thesis statement in the opening paragraph? Is my thesis persuasive, original, and exciting?
Is the paper logically consistent? Does the introduction, body, and conclusion reflect a common theme or argument? Does each paragraph have a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea and mini-conclusion emphasizing its importance?
Do I use relevant examples and quotations effectively? Do I have enough evidence from the source to prove my points? Do I explain the connection between the evidence and those points?
Does the paper flow from one idea to the next, or is it a collection of facts and independent paragraphs? Do I use linking phrases and transitions between paragraphs to create a seamless progression towards the conclusion?
Is it consistent with the evidence presented? Does it build upon and enhance the thesis? Does it include the significance of the paper?
Have I thoroughly proofread for spelling, capitalization, punctuation, etc? Do I need to check for grammar and sentence structure problems?
Does the paper flow smoothly? Is my writing lively and engaging? Are my ideas clear to the reader, not just me?
Citation of sources. Do I give proper, consistent citations for every source that I use? Do I include other authors ideas without proper citation?