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Paper details:
Use R. Markdown to create an html document with the homework tasks. FINAL DOCUMENT MUST BE IN HTML OR PDF.

1. Create a vector called income using the 3rd column of the states dataframe, which contains each state’s 1974 per capita income. Use functions to determine the length of the vector, the class of the vector, and whether it has any names or not. Remember you should be doing this in R Markdown with echo = TRUE so that both your code and the output are printed. The only time you will not print the output is when it would print a very large object that would take up too much space to print. In that case, it is appropriate to use echo = FALSE. Use indexing with square brackets to extract the 5th element and the 50th element.
Then use indexing with square brackets to extract the 10th through the 50th elements. Use base R and ggplot2 to create an appropriately labeled boxplot of state incomes.

2. Describe in words how to interpret the features of the boxplot and state the values of the maior features in context of the problem. Use base R and ggplot2 to create an appropriately labeled histogram of state incomes. Explore different bin sequences and discuss which vou prefer and why. Use base R and ggplot2 to create kernel density plots with labels. Discuss how the
information visualized in the kernel density plot is aligned with that seen in the boxplot and histogram. Use base R and ggplot2 to create normal O-Q plots with appropriate labels. Discuss what the plot indicates about the hypothesis that state incomes were generated from a normally distributed variable and why.