Triple P is a parenting intervention with the main goals of increasing the knowledge, skills, and confidence of parents and reducing the prevalence of mental health, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and adolescents. The program was originally specifically tailored for at risk children and parents, but there are now different levels of Triple P designed to work together as a broad, universal, public health approach.[1] This program is based on principles of community psychology.

Principles of positive parenting

  1. Safe and Engaging Environment
  2. Positive Learning Environment
  3. Assertive Discipline
  4. Realistic Expectations
  5. Parental Self-Care

This principle aims at teaching parents practical skills so that they may view parenting as part of a larger context related to self-care, resourcefulness, and well-being and maintain a sense of self-esteem.[1]

This helps parents change expectations and goals for child behavior to be developmentally appropriate for the child and realistic for the parent. Parents who have more realistic expectations of this child’s capabilities are less likely to engage in child abuse or child neglect.[1]

The program teaches parents how to change from using ineffective and coercive discipline such as physical punishment, shouting, and threatening to using effective strategies in specific situations. Effective strategies include selecting ground rules for specific situations, discussing rules with children, giving clear, calm, and age-appropriate directions and requests, presenting logical consequences, using quiet time and time out, and using planned ignoring (p. 509).[1]

This principle involves teaching parents to be their children’s first teacher. This means that parents must learn to respond to their children’s requests in a positive and constructive manner while also helping them learn to solve problems on their own.[1]

A protective environment that is safe, supervised, and provides opportunities to explore, play, and learn promotes healthy child development at all ages.[1]