Instructions for personal statement: Complete a personal statement (no more than 4 pages / 1000 words). Use the outline provided below. Remember, the School of Social Work is evaluating your unique qualities,
capacities, preparation, and suitability for professional work in the field.
Discuss the current social problems that are of greatest concern to you and what ideas you have by which they might be addressed or prevented
Discuss your interest and career objectives in Social Work.
Discuss the current social problems that are of greatest concern to you and what ideas you have by which they might be addressed or prevented
Describe any special knowledge or experience you may have gained about socially and/or economically
disadvantaged communities or other special populations. Examples include ethnic minorities, gays and lesbians, members of rural communities, the elderly, persons with special needs, children and youth, the homeless, etc. Discuss the method by which this knowledge and/or experience was gained: (1) paid employment or volunteer work; (2) special training or coursework; or (3) by having lived in one of these communities.
Describe the extent of your involvement in volunteer activities and/or paid work experience that would demonstrate your capacity to assume leadership roles, i.e., program administration, training and supervision of others, and community organizing.
Include any additional information that you feel might be helpful to the School of Social Work in assessing your qualifications for professional Social Work education.