The assignment focuses on Diplomacy, diplomats and Twitter- comparative analysis paper. You are required to establish how do diplomats use Twitter in diplomacy / what’s the relationship between diplomacy, diplomats and Twitter.

Diplomacy, diplomats and Twitter- comparative analysis paper

How do diplomats use Twitter in diplomacy / what’s the relationship between diplomacy, diplomats and Twitter

Firstly,the following questions should help guide you. Secondly, you do not have to directly address all of them in your comparative analysis. Thirdly, What do they tweet about? Fourthly, Whom do they follow and retweet? (For example, Vladimir Putin only follows himself, which tells you a lot about him.) When do they follow them? Does Twitter to express their own opinions or their government’s policies? use Twitter to network and share information? Interact with non-state actors? You can include screen grabs to illustrate your analysis (by using the ‘print screen’ feature on your computer and pasting the page into your document). The format is up to you, but this not an essay and it might be an idea to embed Tweets and images as you see fit. Be creative but remember the key aspect is the comparisons you make.

Diplomacy, diplomats and Twitter- comparative analysis paper

Diplomats for twitter is not a manual, or a list of what to do or not to do. It is rather a collection of information, anecdotes, and experiences. Also it recounts a few episodes involving foreign ministers and ambassadors, as well as their ways of interacting with the tool and exploring its great potential. It wants to inspire ambassadors and diplomats to open and nurture their accounts – and it wants to inspire all of us to use Twitter to also  listen and open our minds. Diplomacy in Twitter is when world leaders and government agencies issue foreign policy-related statements and reactions over Twitter.

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