Digital Technology and Art Organization



Art Organization Recommended:


The Shed Museum;

The Frick Collection

(pick ONE of them)




The Midterm Assignment consists of two separate parts:


PART ONE: Final Project Abstract

Submit a 500-800 word synopsis of your final project, outlining the institutional problem you plan to solve per the assignment below. Please read the final project description to understand what is required for the final. I will return your proposal with my feedback in order to help shape your final project.


PART TWO: Art Organization Case Study

The midterm assignment will require students to write a full case study of a New York City arts organization of their choosing. This study will thoroughly explore the way your chosen organization integrates technology and/or digital media into its programming. Successful projects will take a probing, nuanced, and critical look at the true practical and sociological function of technology in the institutional space: is technology present for its own sake, or is it functioning in a way that truly further some fundamental aspect of the organization’s mission? Can or does technology “create community” within the organization? Does it add to or detract from the visitor’s experience?

You must visit the organization online (via its website, social media channels, etc) to conduct observational research of its use of technology or digital media applications online. If possible/safe, please also visit the institution in person if necessary to evaluate your chosen piece of technology within the social, public space of the museum or gallery.

Your essay should be approximately 1,500 words and should:

  • Identify a New York City-based arts organization and its points of digital or technical engagement.
  • Provide a detailed in-depth case study of one core piece of digital engagement (for example, the museum’s online collection), detailing the project’s scope, interactivity, reach, audience, etc. You may wish to contact the museum and ask them to interview the staff member in charge of the project, even by email.
  • Provide well-researched and observed critical analysis and argument for or against the project’s effectiveness. Questions might include: How does the project impact the visitor or user experience? What could have been done better or differently? How does this project dovetail or come into conflict with other digital experience at the institution either physically (in the space) or virtually (online/on social media)? How does the project impact or otherwise position the organization, both internally and externally?






The final assignment will require students to write a full project proposal comprised of two parts:

  1. The Problem: Drawing on ideas gleaned from the semester’s theoretical and practical work, students will invent and clearly articulate an unsolved problem at an imaginary institution. This problem could be a business problem (e.g. how to sell tickets or raise funds) or it could be one related to visitor experience (e.g. how to generate visitors for a given exhibition). If you would like to focus on a challenge at a real institution (e.g. a problem at a place you currently work or intern), that is allowed.
  2. The Solution: In a full, formal project proposal, students will propose a creative solution to the problem. The solution should employ the creative and/or practical use of technology in any given form.

Proposal Guidelines: Each proposal will consist of the following components:

  • Introduction: A written introduction of approximately 800–1,200 words. This statement should clearly articulate the problem by positioning it within the larger context of the institution and the field, as well as make an argument for your chosen solution.
  • Business Plan: A practical plan of action (i.e. a business plan) of approximately 1,000–1,500 words that outlines the ways in which technology will be used to solve the problem. This business plan should be specific and detailed, including as much information as necessary to make the case for your solution. The proposal may be illustrated with charts, graphs, or links to relevant resources. Business plan sections may include:

○ Executive Summary: Briefly tell your reader what your solution is and why it will be successful.

○ Service or Product: A description of your solution and how it benefits your arts organization.

○ Market Analysis: How have other organizations solved this problem? What makes their solution successful or unsuccessful? How is your solution better?

○ Institutional Buy-In: How will you convince institutional stakeholders to adopt your solution? Who are key players that require input?

○ Funding: What is the budget for your project? What hardware and/or software purchases are necessary? How do you propose to pay for the project, i.e. grants, in-house designers, etc.?



Digital Technology and Art Organization