Tables and Figures should not be included in the abstract, although they can be included in your poster at the exhibition. Please ensure that appropriate references and contact email addresses are included on your poster.

Poster Format:
A PDF of the poster (slides) itself.
Orientation – may be either portrait or landscape.
Size anything up to A0.
Layout should be just as if you were printing it.
Title – The top of the poster should indicate the title, the author and their primary institution(s) / affiliation, their E-mail address to route enquiries requests to + UCL logo.
Digital posters are highly zoom-able, so please keep your photos & graphics at quite good resolution.
Fonts and texts-All posters must be one page and in English.Use sans seriffonts (Arial, Calibri Verdana, Helvetica, etc.) for better viewing
The poster should be designed to follow the proportion of acomputer screen (16: 9) and allow for good quality graphics when zooming on specific sections of the poster.
The file should be saved as a PDF and its size should not exceed 100MB.
Each figure or table should have just a fewlinesof text giving the “takehome” message and any additional, essential information.
Minimize narrative. Posters are visual and their message should be conveyed with a minimal of text
Use large type in short, separated paragraphs. Do not set entire paragraphs in uppercase (all capitals) or boldface type.
References may be placed at the end of a poster but should be used sparingly.

Layout – Arrange materials in columns rather than rows. It is easierfor viewers to scan a poster by moving systematically along it rather than jumping back and forth. You should place an introduction at the upper left and a conclusion at the lower right, both in large typescriipt. Group logically consistent sections or columns of the poster on backgrounds of the same colour. Add white space around text columns and images. Too much text on a poster can be challenging to read.Use left-aligntext.Using
justified text may create large gaps between words, making the poster difficult to read.

Illustrations-Figures should be designed to be viewed from a distance and should use clear, visible graphics and large type (where appropriate). Colour can be effective if used sparingly; use saturated dark colours on white or pale backgrounds and light colours on dark backgrounds. Try to avoid red-green combinations that might be a problem for people who are colour-blind. Each figure should illustrate no more than one or two major points. These main points should be clear without extended viewing.