The assignment focuses on Digital government Mobile apps-strategy for reducing risk. So, write a five to seven page report in which you summarize your research and present your “best practices” based strategy for reducing risk and ensuring security for government provided mobile apps and their users.

Digital government Mobile apps-strategy for reducing risk

Write a five to seven page report in which you summarize your research and present your “best practices” based strategy for reducing risk and ensuring security for government provided mobile apps and their users. You should focus upon clarity and conciseness more than length when determining what content to include in your paper.  At a minimum, your report must include the following:

Digital government Mobile apps-strategy for reducing risk

1. An introduction or overview of mobile apps for digital government. Also, include 5 or more examples of mobile apps recognized as being innovative or  “best of category” applications for delivering government information and services to mobile devices. Also, this introduction should be suitable for an executive audience. 2. A separate section in which you discuss the federal government’s requirements and recommendations for mobile app security architectures and the associated design recommendations. Besides, write this section for non-technical managers; you will need to translate from tech-speak to manager-speak. Then, Include at least three diagrams or pictures in this section and remember to include the appropriate in-text citations for the source (append to the figure caption).

Digital government Mobile apps-strategy for reducing risk

3. A separate section in which you discuss industry’s recommendations for security architectures and risk reduction for mobile app security. Write this section for non-technical managers; you will need to translate from tech-speak to manager-speak. Include at least three diagrams or pictures in this section and remember to include the appropriate in-text citations for the source (append to the figure caption). 4. A section in which you present 5 or more best practice recommendations for building security (the confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and non-repudiation for Mobile Applications) into mobile applications used to deliver government information and services. Finally, Present these strategies as recommendations for reducing risk. 5. A separate section in which you summarize your research and recommendations.

Detailed Instructions


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