Its a course called Development Economics and I will write a paper about the effects of COVID 19 in Uganda focussed on gender. I already have substantial literature and a small review, also I will already have a do file for Stata which I worked on with the professor. I need the paper to include tables etc from Stata, descriptive statistics, regression.
This is the check list:
Does the title fit the contents of the paper?
Is the research question clear?
Is the research gap clear?
Does the paper cite important closely related papers?
Is the identification method innovative?
Does the paper clearly describe the data and sampling strategy?
Is the method used clearly described?
Is the method used appropriate?
Are the results clearly described
Does the paper relate the results with others papers in the literature?
Does the paper solve/discuss important data/identification issues?
Are the conclusions consistent with the findings?
Is the paper presentation and language smooth, coherent, and well organized?