The assignment discusses Developing and Evaluating Construction Information. Besides, there is also a description of JCT form of contract. So, develop the design of a house.

Developing and Evaluating Construction Information- JCT form of contract

The scenario. Firstly, as a design team, you required to develop the design of a house, which has just received planning approval, into a set of construction information. Secondly, this will form a technical package which will included as part of tender documents. Also, these will released to interested main contractors, who will submit their tenders based on design and build procurement, using a JCT form of contract. Thirdly, the house will be of load- bearing masonry construction with a pitched roof. The submission comprises two related items:

Developing and Evaluating Construction Information- JCT form of contract

Firstly, a pack of drawings, details, schedules and specifications representing the construction information required for a house, chosen from one of the examples on Moodle. Secondly, the pack should be prepared in groups of 3. The drawings should follows: Foundation plan, floor plans and roof plan (4 drawings) Cross and longitudinal sections (2 drawings) Elevations (4 drawings.  Details of key locations (4 drawings) 3D model of the house (1 per group) A schedule should prepared for windows or doors (1 per group) Your schedule of works should sufficiently detailed for the type of construction and size of dwelling (1 per group) Your pack should also include a bill of quantities (1 per student), corresponding with one of the construction details. 

Developing and Evaluating Construction Information- JCT form of contract

A written evaluation of the construction information prepared for task 1 above, compared with a different type of project. This project can be taken from your own practice and should be confirmed as acceptable by your tutor. Your evaluation should include an explanation, description, comparison and justification of types of construction information. The submission comprises two related items: A pack of drawings, details, schedules and specifications representing the construction information required for a house, chosen from one of the examples on Moodle. 

Detailed Instructions


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