1: Demonstrate an understanding of the aims and principles of health promotion, protection and improvement and the prevention of ill health when engaging with people across the lifespan. Learning Outcome 

2: Define social determinants of health and inequalities in health Learning Outcome 

3: Compare patterns of morbidity, behavioural risk factors and health and wellbeing outcomes across the lifespan Learning Outcome 

4: Apply this knowledge to create a health profile of an individual, family or community Formative In small groups students will choose and explore a geographical area and carry out a small demographic survey and identifying health issues in the community chosen using the resources offered. 

See week 4 resources for further information Summative Assessment brief CASE STUDY This case study is designed for you to apply the knowledge you have learned during this module to a case study Students will be asked to review the case study in light of relevant epidemiological and demographic data in order to identify relevant issues related to the health and wellbeing of the individual, which a nurse can use to identify opportunities for promoting health and preventing ill health TOTAL WORD COUNT 3000 Words Utilising the case study provided in conjunction with the epidemiological and demographic data from the geographical area you have chosen for your formative assessment (e.g. Hounslow – or you may choose a different geographical area of London /Berkshire if preferred), answer the following questions: (N.B. This is not an essay – therefore please use the questions to format your assignment) Question /Discussion point 1) What is your understanding of the concepts of health and wellbeing and the principles of public health and health promotion, prevention and protection? (700-800 words) (LO1) 2) Identify the social determinants of health and inequalities in health (700-800 words) (LO2) 3) What are the issues that impact on the health /wellbeing of the individual (providing particular focus on those relevant to this case)? (700-800 words) (LO2, LO3) 4) What are the health risks for this individual and what possible advice and support could you as a nurse give them to promote their health and wellbeing? (700-800 words) (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4) Module Study Guide template – May 2018 6 Summative assessment guideline (DETAIL) This should make clear why you have chosen the geographical area and briefly illustrate factors which can impact on individuals and groups experience of health and illness. 1) Discuss the concepts of health and wellbeing and the principles of public health and health promotion, prevention and protection? (700-800 words) (LO1) In this section you need to articulate the significance of the topic and to demonstrate an understanding of the core principles of health and wellbeing and the principles of public health and health promotion, prevention and protection. You will need to define the concept of health and wellbeing and provide an outline of the principles of health promotion and the importance of health promoting activity to promote good health and preventing ill health across the lifespan. How does this link to your role as a nurse – considering the NMC future nurse standards. 2) Identify and discuss the social determinants of health and inequalities in health (700- 800 words) (LO2) Within this section you will identify what you understand are the social determinants of health and inequalities in health – provide relevant links to key public health guidance documents and policy and exploring the relevance of this to question 1 3) What are the issues that impact on the health /wellbeing of the individual (providing particular focus on those relevant to this case)? (700-800 words) (LO2, LO3) Linking to question 2 – which is a more general overview of the social determinants and inequality – within this question you will now consider the social determinants and inequalities specifically in relation and relevant to your case study and the geographical area you are focusing on. This should make clear why you have chosen the geographical area and illustrate factors which can impact on individuals experience of health and illness. Consider issues such as personal circumstances, make up of family, age, where they live, employment, social class, ethnicity, sexuality, economic status, do they rent or own their house, the geographical location of a community, the type of environment, facilities available to them use your own observations from the case study, and through examining epidemiological and demographic data in relation to this to provide explanations for their health and wellbeing status. The sorts of data you can use to support your discussion are as follows: • Epidemiological data on patterns of morbidity • National and local health reports • Information from government and non- governmental organisations You can use photographs, statistical graphs and charts to help support your discussion. Please ensure any photographs are not of individuals, and graphs and tables should be referenced. 4) What are the specific health risks relevant to the case study? What possible advice and support could you as a nurse give them to promote their health and wellbeing. (700-800 words) (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4) Module Study Guide te​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‌‌‌‍‍​mplate – May 2018 7 With reference to question 3 identify the priority areas for health promotion interventions which will prevent, protect, promote and improve the health of the individual and wider community in your case study. What skills and knowledge do you require as a nurse to support this? REFERENCES For every question – Students will need to support their statements with accurately referenced academic literature (Students should review in the first instance material from the reading list). For additional resources search the online databases available through the library website, for example, CINHL, Medline and Embase). Include a full reference list of literature used throughout your work. Use Cite them Right to ensure that referencing and citing is in UWL accepted style. Contact Library Services for additional information and support UWL Quality Handbook Assessment Supplement Assessment policy, guidelines and good practice (September 2015) 2.4.1 Undergraduate courses Generic Marking Scheme – Undergraduate % 86- 100 76- 85 70- 75 65- 69 60- 64 55- 59 50- 54 45- 49 40- 44 Margin al pass 35-39 Margin al fail 30-34 20-29 10-19 0-9 Descriptor The standard achieved is exceptional and the work provides clear evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved with many at an exceptional standard. The standard achieved is outstanding and the work provides clear evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved with many at an outstanding standard. The standard achieved is excellent and the work provides clear evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved with many at an excellent standard. The standard achieved is very good and the work provides clear evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved with many at a very good standard. The standard achieved is good and the work provides evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved with many at a good standard. The standard achieved is satisfactory and the work provides evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved with many at a satisfactory standard. The standard achieved is acceptable and the work provides evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved mostly at an acceptable standard. The standard achieved is acceptable and the work provides evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved though quite a few are only achieved at a basic standard. The standard achieved is basic and the work provides evidence that the knowledge, understanding and skills are at a level appropriate to the level of study. There is evidence showing that all the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved mostly at a basic standard. The standard achieved is weak and the work provides evidence of insufficient knowledge, understanding and/or skills appropriate to the level of study, although some of the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved. The standard achieved is very weak and the work provides evidence of insufficient knowledge, understanding and/or skills appropriate to the level of study. The evidence shows that some of the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved OR that none is achieved but there is evidence that many of the learning outcomes may be almost achieved. The standard achieved is unacceptable and the work provides little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and/or skills appropriate to the level of study. The evidence shows that few, if any, of the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved. The standard achieved is unacceptable and the work provides very little evidence of the knowledge, understanding and/or skills appropriate to the level of study. The evidence shows that very few, if any, of the learning outcomes appropriate to that level are achieved. The standard achieved is unacceptable and the work provides negligible or no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and/or skills appropriate to the level of study.