The assignment focuses on Democratic primary election paper-Michael Bloomberg. Also, explain the logic for their claim to the presidency.
Democratic primary election paper-Michael Bloomberg
Democratic primary election paper. 0) Must use at least 5 cited sources from *reputable news & opinion outlets* w/ APSA style (American Political Science Association) Firstly, explain the logic for their claim to the presidency. Why is this person running? What do they claim would make them a good president or able to defeat President Trump? Secondly, how has their campaign fared so far? Have they won any states, yet? If not, how have they been performing? How are they doing in polls? How much money have they raised? Is their fundraising going up or down? Any serious mistakes or controversies? Thirdly, hho is in their “coalition”? What types of people support them, demographically speaking? Did they end up acquiring the coalition they were aiming for? (this part should be backed up by polls, voter data from states that have already cast ballots, etc.
Democratic primary election paper-Michael Bloomberg
Don’t just give your best guess!) Fourthly, how do you think they are going to perform on Super Tuesday? What states are they targeting? Why? Which states do YOU think they will win, and why? !!!Candidate (CHOOSE ONE): Joe Biden / Michael Bloomberg / Elizabeth Warren. Buttigieg officially made the announcement during a hastily planned event on Sunday in South Bend, where the former mayor said “today is a moment of truth… the truth is the path has narrowed to a close, for our candidacy, if not for our cause.”
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