The assignment concentrates on Defining Target Market. Additionally, there is a description of Creative advertising case Study. So, Clearly define the target Market with Demographics.

Defining Target Market – Creative advertising case Study

Firstly, you expected to use creativity, critical thinking, and defend your ideas and opinions on the topic/s you select. Secondly, there is an example of consumer behavior topics provided after the grading rubric. Thirdly, each paper will be due at the start of class period on the date the syllabus dictates. Also, all papers must be in memo format and include a minimum of two cited source- Papers not in memo format will have five points deducted. Papers not citing sources will have five points deducted. Papers that are not professional or lack the quality of their classmate’s papers will also have five points deducted. Also, papers will include two infographics (infographics data or statistics shown as visual/graphic

Defining Target Market – Creative advertising case Study

Case Study Criteria (“Student’s Choice” – See Potential Topics list ) Clearly define the Target Market with Demographics (quantitative data/stats) Apply some Psychographics – or behavioral/lifestyle—to the Target Market (qualitative, subjective observations) Discuss the Marketing Mix Include all four components of the promotional mix when discussing the Marketing Mix or 4 Ps (Adv., PR, Personal Selling, and various Promotions Perform a PESTLE analysis Please provide a minimum of two creative advertising and/or promotional recommendations (your creative ideas!) Provide data and examples from listed source to support each recommendation with data/statistics Mobile First Strategy 

Defining Target Market – Creative advertising case Study

The future is mobile. Internet traffic now coming more from mobile devices than desktops. If you’re not catering your content, ads and online experience to a mobile user, then you missing a massive opportunity. And remember: It’s not just about “optimizing” for mobile; it’s also about making sure that piece of content gets integrated with a user’s lifestyle on the go. One of these infographics must be your creation or five points will deducted. All papers must discuss social media as part of the promotional mix or will have five points deducted.

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