This assignment explores Debating the United States’ Response to the Holocaust.So, compare the two secondary sources on the United States and the Holocaust.

Debating the United States’ Response to the Holocaust

These are the instruction that my professor sent me I will send you the full instructions and sources that you need in the files added. Debating the United States’ Response to the Holocaust One of the more difficult tasks that historians face is assessing the actions and beliefs of historical figures within an ethical framework. Should individuals be judged by the standards of their own time or by those of today? Should we hold celebrated historical figures to a higher ethical standard? For Part 6, “Modern America,” President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s and the U.S. government’s response to the Holocaust during the Second World War. Demonstrates how historians can disagree when they attempt to evaluate individuals from an ethical perspective. For this exercise you have two tasks: Part 1: Compare the two secondary sources on the United States and the Holocaust.

Debating the United States’ Response to the Holocaust

Part 2: Using primary sources, evaluate the arguments of the two secondary sources. So write an essay, in essay form, with an introduction, a body and a conclusion using the information you evaluated. Carefully read each of the primary sources and answer the following questions. Decide which of the primary source documents support or refute Wyman’s and Breitman and Lichtman’s arguments about the U.S. response to the Holocaust. You may find that some documents do both but for different parts of each historian’  interpretation. Also, be sure to identify which components of each historian’s argument the documents support or refute. Based on these primary sources, how would you characterize the U.S. government’s response to the Holocaust?

Detailed Instructions


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