The assignment talks about the Case study on Dayglo Devices Inc. Assignment. So, you are required to analyse the issue in the following case study on Dayglo Devices Inc. and provide a memorandum of advice to the Executive Director, International Operations.

Case study on Dayglo Devices Inc. Assignment

A 2,000 word written assignment. You required to analyse the issue in the following case study on Dayglo Devices Inc. and provide a memorandum of advice to the Executive Director, International Operations.

Write a 2000 word response providing advice to Hillary in relation to her question.


Firstly,  Make sure you tailor your advice as much as possible to take into account Leigh’s strengths and weaknesses and the organisational situation.


Secondly,    Dedicate some of your word count (approx. 100 words) to making a justified, summary recommendation to Hillary as to the way forward with the filling of the vacancy, justifying why this way forward would be an appropriate course of action (remember the elements of a reasoned argument in the critical thinking competency: element grounds-warrant-claim).

 Case study on Dayglo Devices Inc. Assignment

Thirdly,  you are expected to use, as a theoretical basis for your advice, the competing values framework (CVF) and draw upon appropriately selected content from each of Modules 2, 3, 4 and 5 in relation to the competencies (you are not expected to address all the competencies in the model, just one or two key ones from each quadrant that you think have most relevance and that will help you support your argument to Hillary). Module 1 may also provide useful contextual information.

Additional instructions

1.       You MUST use the Memorandum (memo) template available on the StudyDesk for your assignment. Besides, this template contains the marking criteria sheet upfront for the evaluator to complete. So, You write your assignment in the template. You do not need to generate a separate coversheet for this assignment.

Detailed Instructions


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