This assignment entails Cyber Security process and technologies. It also explains about defensive security strategies and how they will used to defend the Information Technology enterprise.

Cyber Security process and technologies-defensive security strategies

CYBER SECURITY PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGIES.  NOTE BEFORE: PLEASE USE AND FOLLOW THE ATTACH DOCUMENT TO ANSWER THE QUESTION. (1) Provided an excellent introduction to the report. Introduction was clear, concise, and accurate. Introduced the two defensive security strategies and how they will  used to defend the Information Technology enterprise from both internal and external threats and attacks. The introduction appropriately used information from 3 or more authoritative sources, i.e. journal articles, industry or trade publications, news articles, industry or government white AND AUTHORITATIVE WEBSITES (2) Provided an excellent analysis of the features, capabilities, and deficiencies for the two defensive security strategies listed in the assignment. Included a comparison of layered security vs defense in depth.  Explained the benefits of implementing this defensive strategy (e.g. protection, detection, prevention of incidents caused by attacks).

Cyber Security process and technologies-defensive security strategies

The analysis appropriately used information from 5 or more authoritative sources, i.e. journal articles, industry or trade publications, news articles, industry or government white papers and authoritative Web sites. (3) Clearly identified the products which are being recommended to implement the defensive security strategy. Also, Provided an excellent discussion of how the selected products will support cybersecurity objectives by reducing risk, increasing resistance to threats/attacks, decreasing vulnerabilities, etc. Discussion provided five or more specific examples of how use of this product would positively impact cybersecurity for information, information systems, and/or networks. Also, the discussion  supported by information drawn from authoritative websites (4) Clearly identified the products which are  being recommended to implement the defensive security strategy. 

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