Currently a company that designs Web sites has six customers in its backlog. The time since the order arrived, processing time, and promised due dates are given in the following table.
Job Time Since Order Arrived
(days ago) Processing Time
(days) Due Date
(days from now)
A 6 18 48
B 4 22 52
C 1 30 70
D 10 14 28
E 7 12 56
F 5 20 62
a) Develop a schedule by using the first-come, first-served (FCFS) rule and calculate the average flow time and average days past due for the schedule.
b) Develop a schedule by using the earliest due date (EDD) rule and calculate the average flow time and average days past due for the schedule.
c) Comment on the performance of the FCFS and EDD rules relative to average flow time and average days past due.