The assignment talks about Cross-Cultural Influences in Music. There is also a description of influences as either positive or negative.

Cross-Cultural Influences in Music-influences as positive or negative

Cross-Cultural Influences in Music.. Answer these questions: What constitutes influence, and how do we recognize it in music? What influences from other cultures, or ethnic groups do you see in music that you are familiar with (sacred or secular)? Do you view such influences as positive or negative? Why? In a world of cross-cultural differences and diversity, how can we influence each other to build more productive relationships and achieve better results? In ancient China, there was a belief that no one wanted to be the bearer of bad news to the emperor lest his head got chopped off! This notion has permeated the Asian culture for centuries, resulting in Asians.  Having the tendency to avoid conflict and confrontation when dealing with problems.

Cross-Cultural Influences in Music-influences as positive or negative

Therefore, it is important that all parties involved take the time to understand and clearly define the problem, before jumping to solutions and actions to solve it. This is where the Bridging Style with the Behaviors of Involving, Listening, and Disclosing would give all parties a better understanding of the root of the problem before determining the actions to resolve it. It is also important to take into consideration how individuals accept or avoid uncertainty and risk. Minimum of five different sources, including at least one book, at least two periodicals, and at least one encyclopedia. Use MLA style format and parenthetical citation.

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