Assignment 1

During this unit, it is expected that you will reflect on the learning outcomes of this unit and undertake self directed research to deepen your knowledge in these areas.
This assessment task requires you to critically analyse three topics (set out below). In doing so, you need to consider the broad curriculum debates, key issues or perspectives raised in the unit, scholarly journal articles and observed in school experiences. You should also examine the impact of education systems, school philosophies, policy development and school structures in relation to the topics.
Topic 1
Choose one of your teaching/curriculum areas and critically analyze how it has adapted (and continues to adapt) to incorporate culturally responsive and socially critical perspectives (consider for example, curriculum development and implementation etc) (LO5 & 7).
Topic 2
Critically analyze the underpinning philosophies and practical implementation strategies related to one crosscurricular priority (e.g, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures; Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia; or Sustainability) (LO4).
Topic 3
Choose one of the following general capabilities: literacy, numeracy or ICT; AND one of the following:
critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding or intercultural understanding. Compare and contrast the implementation of your two chosen general capabilities (LO4).

Assignment 2 –2500 words
Create a digital portfolio that demonstrates your attainment of ACU’s Graduate Attributes and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Graduate level). You may present your ePortfolio in any format that you like provided:
• it is professionally presented
• all digital components are easily accessible
• is easy to navigate

For example, you may choose to construct it as a PowerPoint or as a website (using tools such as WordPress, Weebly, Wix or Google Apps). You are not expected to use web-authoring tools beyond this basic level. You may include relevant photographs/graphics/multimedia to improve the accessibility and quality of the portfolio.